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We make it easy for patients to pay their bill.
Private Practice | Corporate Owned | Hospital Systems

The Specialty Practice
Revenue Cycle Solution

We Are The Specialty Practice Revenue Cycle Solution! No matter what form of medicine you practice, Practice Paradigm will bring offline and online payments under one roof. Our integrated and automated Accounts Receivable solution will extinguish postage costs, increase staff efficiency and accelerate collections overnight! Thousands of doctors are recognizing cost and efficiency gains daily, you can too.

There is ZERO risk. No Credit Card, No Check, No Kidding!

We stand behind our solution and will set you up at our expense and let you test drive it for FREE, no questions asked. We want you to experience what our customers are experiencing daily.
When was the last time you heard a testimonial like this?

Practice Paradigm transformed Southwest Oral Surgery and their Accounts Receivable process, streamlined operations, reduced hard costs and staff costs, increased efficiency and accelerated collections overnight with no staff resources, no postage and no waiting for cash to come through the door.

Here is what they had to say...

Every practice is different, but there are a few things we all share in common... callouts and being short-staffed, inefficiencies, phones ringing off the hook, chasing accounts receivable, and the list goes on. And, this does not include the actual "practicing medicine" part of the day. We were faced with an increasing accounts receivable balance, not enough staff to chase those accounts, wasted postage costs, inefficient payment collection, not enough reporting, and yes... the list goes on again.

Partnering with Practice Paradigm helped transform our payment collection processes overnight using their Rapid Collect Text2Pay and Email2Pay platform. We simply uploaded our Accounts Receivable list and custom payment links went out to patients via text and email. Payments began coming in within seconds. It was not just a few payments, it was a tidal wave of payments and we were scrambling to get them posted. Obviously, this is a good problem to have instead of "chasing accounts receivable." We are now collecting payments 24/7 and could not be happier with the results. Because they have actually worked in the medical field, their institutional knowledge has resulted in a product that works flawlessly. Don't put off getting in touch with them out of fear of change by you or your practice administrator, or saying the time isn't right or whatever excuse you may have. The time is right, the time is now, you won't be disappointed.

Dan Hill
Practice Manager
Southwest Oral Surgery

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Private Practices, Corporate Owned Practices or Healthcare Systems, you are unique and so is our solution. Stop trying to cut costs through unorthodox strategies. The most significant opportunity for cost improvement is staff efficiency. You went to medical school, practice medicine and let us help you automate your practice operations.

Accounts Receivable Automation & Outsourcing

Still sending invoices in the mail? Snail-mail invoices can cost upwards of $3 - $5 per invoice when you account for postage, paper and the resources it takes to prepare and send. We make this a thing of the past with our Text-2-Pay & Email-2-Pay invoice system.

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Rapid Collect Text-2-Pay & Email-2-Pay

Our automated accounts receivable solution customized for the dental and medical industry allows you to accelerate collections overnight. Your patients will receive secure Text-2-Pay & Email-2-Pay links to pay their bill. Reminders? Automated! Postage? Gone! Staff Resources? Reallocated to provide patient care instead of stuffing envelopes and chasing AR. Reminders are sent auto-magically at a time period you choose.

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Text-2-Pay Email-2-Pay
Free Credit Card Terminals

FREE State-of-the-Art Terminals

We supercharge your checkout with the latest contactless terminals and pin-pads. Wireless options allow you to check patients out in consultation rooms or chairside to reduce checkout congestion.

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Custom Payment Portal

We build, integrate and support a feature-rich custom payment portal for your practice. Allow your patients to securely place a card on file to mitigate missed appointments. One-time payments or recurring payments, our cloud-based solutions gives your practice the tools to operate efficiently and cost effectively.

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QR Codes

QR Codes & Short Code URLS

Still need to send snail mail invoices? No problem! We provide you with custom QR codes to help your patients make paying a breeze. When patients can easily and quickly navigate to your payment portal, it accelerates collections overnight! qr.mybill.care/Practice

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Digital Consents, Financial Agreements & Other Forms

How much time does your staff spend scanning? This is repetitive, a distraction to patient care and a waste of time and resources. Let your patients complete necessary forms at home. A copy is emailed to your patient and stored securely in your portal.

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QR Codes

Big Credit Card Processing Savings

We only process medical payments and can save you up to 40% on your card processing fees. Your end-to-end payment solution.

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Reduce The Risk of Employee Embezzlement

Yes, it's a real risk! Practices across the country are using Practice Paradigm as their entire payments platform reducing the need for refund checks and mitigating the risk of embezzlement. Issue over-payments directly to your patients credit card instead of writing checks which is time consuming.

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QR Codes

Insurance Card & Member Information Upload

Your patients can easily upload a photo of their primary and secondary insurance cards. Reduce wasted time by obtaining accurate insurance information the first time.

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Online Registration

Mobile friendly online registration with digital signatures stored securely in your portal. Easily add, remove and customize questions for your practice. Associate patients into a family account so you are not caught off guard when a patient says "you saw my other child." Print key areas of registration such as health history for quick review during patient visits.

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Customizable Request For Reviews

Asking a patient for a review is not as difficult as it seems. Our customizable reviews allow you to specify when the request for a review is sent resulting in more 5 star reviews. In medicine, the best referral is a positive review.

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Image Transfer From Referrals To Your Practice

Stop sifting through your inbox searching for that image a referral sent. Your referrals can easily transfer x-rays and other images directly to your portal creating a more streamlined referral relationship.

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Understand your business with enterprise level reporting and KPI's (key performance indicators).

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Cloud Terminal Transaction Management

Manage terminal transactions from a secure cloud portal. Refund, Void or Run another sale without the card present. Our solution uses tokenization technology which reduces risk and increases your flexibility to run your business the way "you" need to run your business.

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Two-Way Texting Communication Tools

The way we communicate is changing. You receive your own two-way texting number where your clients can start a text conversation from your portal or text you directly from their phone. The result? One less phone call that comes into your business allowing you to multi-task and respond when convenient.

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In-Depth Communication Analytics

Know exactly how your clients are responding to your messages. In-depth analytics for both text and email communications allows you to see trends at the macro level while being able to see if a specific client has ignored your requests for payment.

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Accounts Receivable Outstanding Analytics

Our proprietary solution summarizes your Accounts Receivable in various formats so you can make data-driven decisions about your practice. Know when cash is coming in, outstanding, or when you can expect cash flow to speed up.

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Accounts Receivable Paid Analytics

Our proprietary solution summarizes your Accounts Receivable in various formats so you can make data-driven decisions about your practice. Know when cash is coming in, outstanding, or when you can expect cash flow to speed up.

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24/7/365 Terminal Support

Business runs 24/7/365. Live US Based customer support is only a phone call or live chat away.

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